JO’s Marin & Industielektriska AB kan leverera kompletta systemlösningar för generatoraggregat/ reservkraft.
Vi kan leverera allt från en startpanel för minsta dieselmotorn till kompletta system för större generatoraggregat som inkluderar avancerade funktioner, lastfördelning, synkronisering och fjärrstyrning m.m.

Installation & Service
Vi utför installation, testkörning och uppstart av generatoraggregat / reservkraft anläggningar. Vi utför även service och reparationer på alla generatoraggregatsystem samt uppgraderar dem med hårdvara och mjukvara.
Deep Sea Electronics – Mjukvaror för Produktanpassning
JO’s Marin & Industrielektriska erbjuder både standard lösningar, specifika lösningar samt utbildningar. Med hjälp av programvaror som nämns här nedan och tillbehör kan produkterna anpassas efter kundens behov.
Configuration software
• Configuration and Communications software for 5210 , 5220 , 5310 and 5320 controllers.
• To configure a module, this software must be used in conjunction with the 810 PC Interface.
Hardware interface between PC and controller
• Used in conjunction with some DSE controllers to provide optical
isolation between the PC and the generator controller
•Connection between 810 interface and DSE controller can be
extended to 100m allowing semi-remote monitoring and control.
• Used with the following DSE control modules : 550 , 555 , 556 ,
557 , 4210 , 4220 , 5210 , 5220
• Used in conjunction with the following
DSE configuration software (supplied on PC CDROM when the
810 hardware interface is purchased): 810 for Windows,
42xx for Windows, 5xxx for Windows
• Available in either RS232 or USB versions.
NOTE :USB version requires the P810 USB driver software.
RS232 version does NOT require additional drivers.
Communications software for 550 /555 controllers
• This software is used to communicate with
the 550 / 555 controllers using either RS232 modems
or a multidrop RS485 data link.
• RS232 modems can either be connected to the public
switched telephone network (PSTN Landline)
or the GSM cellular network widely used in Europe
and some other parts of the world.
• Can also be used locally (within 100m)
in conjunection with the P810 PC interface .
PC Configuration software and interface for 511 /2, 520/1, 530, 540/1, 560 controllers
• The 808 PC Configuration Software (used in conjunction with
the P808 PC interface)
is designed for use with the following DSE systems:
• 511 / 512 manual start.
• 520 /521 / 560 auto-start.
• 530 automatic transfer switch.
• 540 range of protection expansion/annunciator modules.
• The 808 interface allows the user to access the configuration
stored within the module, enabling changes to be made to the settings.
• The software is supplied on PC CDROM when purchased as a package
along with the P808 hardware interface.
Configuration software for 55x
• Configuration and SCADA software for 550 / 555 controllers.
• To configure a module, this software must be used
in conjunction with the 810 PC Interface .
Windows drivers for the P810 Interface USB version
• Allows the USB version of the
810 PC Interface to be used with Windows 98/Windows Xp
AutoCADTM drawings to demonstrate usage of DSE 550, 555, 556 & 557 load share/control modules
• AutoCADTM drawings showing single/multiset applications using
DSE controllers : 550 , 555 , 556 and 557 .
Typical wiring diagrams are included for the following applications and may
be followed as shown, or modified to produce more complex systems :
• Single set no break return system using 557 .
• Single set no break return system using 555 to give soft transfer
(load ramping) and power control.
• Multiple set (2-16) no break return system using 550s and 556.
Can also be used for mains power control, peak lopping, import export control etc.
• Multiple set (2-16) load sharing system as prime power using 550s .
• Multiple set (2-16) load sharing system as backup to the mains (utility) supply,
using 550s in conjunction with 530 automatic transfer switch.
• Applications diagrams provided in industry standard AutoCADTM (.dwg) files compressed into a self extracting executable file.
NOTE : Access to these files require that you register to be a member.
Visit SUPPORT | USER REGISTRATION to request membership.
DSE Guide to Synchronising and Load Sharing PART 1
This manual contains a tutorial on
Synchronising and Load Sharing for the unnacustomed as well
as containing specific setup and interface details for
the DSE 550 / 555 load share / load control modules.
Part 2 of this manual contains details of connections to governors and AVRs.
See also :550 555 556 557 120 121
NOTE : Access to manuals require that you register to be a member.
Visit SUPPORT | USER REGISTRATION to request membership.
DSE Guide to Synchronising and Load Sharing PART 2
This manual contains details of connections to governors and AVRs for the DSE 550 / 555 load share / load control modules. Part 1 of this manual contains a tutorial on Synchronising and Load Sharing for the unnacustomed as well as containing specific setup and interface details.
See also : 550 555 556 557 120 121
NOTE : Access to manuals require that you register to be a member.
Visit SUPPORT | USER REGISTRATION to request membership.
Tillfälliga generatorinstallationer
JO’s Marin & Industrielektriska AB har lösningar för tillfälliga generatorinstallationer till alla typer av anläggningar inom ett flertal olika sektorer:
- Energi
- Reservkraft
- Industri
- Evenemang
- Telecom/ IT
- Offshore
Vi utför bland annat:
- Installation
- Driftsättning
- Drift och service
- Jour
- Teknisk support